Meal Plan Monday #13

Meal Plan Monday #13

This week has a few budget friendly dinners to balance out the cost of the weekly grocery bill.  Bangers (Sausages) and Mash is a cheap and hearty meal served with steamed vegetables as is homemade hamburgers.  A meal I have in the freezer is saving me this Thursday as there will be not many leftovers from the previous nights dinners this week.

MONDAYCrunchy Coconut Chicken with Zucchini Mac n Cheese

TUESDAYBangers and Mash

WEDNESDAYHomemade Hamburgers

THURSDAY – Freezer stash – Chicken and Bacon Alfredo –  I made a double batch a few weeks ago and froze half for another meal.

FRIDAY – Takeaway

SATURDAY – BBQ Steak and Sausage with Salad and oven baked potato gems

SUNDAYRoast Chicken with Sweet Potato Rice and Steamed vegetables

View more meal plans here.

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