This is another great recipe using Weet-Bix that is no bake and the perfect addition to the lunchbox. INGREDIENTS 5 Weetbix 1 Cup Dates, pitted 1/2 Cup Sultana and Seed Mix 1/2 Cup Desiccated Coconut 4 Tbs Cocoa 2 Tbs Honey 2 Tbs Water 100gm Dark Chocolate, melted LET’S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER 1. Using […]
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No Bake Chocolate Weet-Bix Slice

Weet-Bix Bliss Balls
I haven’t added to my Bliss Ball recipe collection in sometime. After emptying our cereal collection into my new containers I had the crumbs of the Weet-Bix let in the packet. Instead of wasting them I went through my ingredients and came up with a simple yet tasty and nutritious bliss ball recipe. These are […]

Passionfruit and Lemon Cordial
It is hot hot hot!!! Cool down with a refreshing homemade Passionfruit and Lemon Cordial. We have an abundance of passionfruits and my son suggested that we make a drink with them, so we decided on making a cordial so we can mix it with soda water or water and feel refreshed. It is super […]

Gingerbread Cake
This Gingerbread Cake has all the flavour and colour of a gingerbread biscuit except it is in the form of a cake. The cake it self is deliciously dark and chewy on the edges with just enough of the ginger hit to ensure that the littlest members of the family will love it too. INGREDIENTS […]

Doughnut Strawberry Trifle
Every year I am known for dreaming up a different trifle combination that is not your normal trifle. Last year I did the Lamington Trifle and this year I am using cinnamon doughnuts to make a completely over the top Doughnut Strawberry Trifle. This trifle is so much fun to make and it just looks […]

Chocolate Fruit Cake
If you are not a huge fan of the traditional fruit cake then this chocolate variation is exactly what you are looking for. Dried fruits, dark chocolate and almonds make up the core flavours of this cake and I do have to say it is one of my favouite fruit cakes to date. Best of […]

One Bowl Lemon Loaf
One bowl mixes are my all time favourite – less mess and minimal steps to make. This One Bowl Lemon Loaf is absolutely delicious. The hit of lemon flavour is intensified by using Doterra Lemon Oil or normal Lemon Essence found in the supermarket. The addition of the coconut oil makes the cake nice and […]

Easy Peanut Clusters
A few weekends a go I Mr 9 pointed to a chocolate in the display of a cafe, he asked what they were and I told him they were Peanut Clusters, he said “they look nice”. I told him that I would make them at home for him as they are really easy to make. […]

Lamington Slice
I don’t know about you, but for me the only part about making Lamingtons that I don’t like is having to dip each slice into the chocolate mix and then coating in coconut. It is time consuming and messy! I have solved by problem with this Lamington Slice. By pre-slicing the cake and then pouring […]