Vamp up your store bought garlic bread by giving it a little something extra with a stuffing of ham and cheese. Now, I’m not using just any ordinary ham I am using D’Orsogna’s new Flame Roasted ham and bacon range exclusive to Woolworths. This new range is wood smoked and the flavour is very distinct […]
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Ham and Cheese Stuffed Garlic Bread

Picnic Salad – One Pot Ham, Pea, Cheese and Egg Pasta Salad
They say you can’t make friends with salad. I say they haven’t made this salad. You will have friends asking you over for a BBQ or out for a picnic as long as you bring this salad.. And you won’t mind doing so because it is so easy. If you ever think that they are […]

Ham Crusted Baked Eggs
Ham and eggs without all the fuss? Try these super easy ham crusted baked eggs. They are as simple as lining the the holes of a muffin tray with ham, adding a slice of cheese and cracking an egg in and baking in the oven for 20 minutes then tah-dah, baked eggs and ham. I […]

Sandwich Platter
Platter up this Easter with this beautifully presented sandwich/roll/crackers platter. The hero of this platter is D’Orsogna’s new Flame Roasted Sweet Dijon Mustard Leg Ham available exclusively from the deli counter at your local Woolworths. This new addition to the D’Orsogna line up is unique as it is real flame roasted texture and taste and […]

Bacon and Onion Tray Bake Stuffing
To avoid the fighting over who gets the stuffing from this year’s roast chicken/turkey/duck or pork why not make a whole tray of it so then there is plenty to go around. This Bacon and Onion Tray Bake is so full of flavour you will want to eat it on it’s on smothered in gravy. […]

Chocolate Fruit Cake
If you are not a huge fan of the traditional fruit cake then this chocolate variation is exactly what you are looking for. Dried fruits, dark chocolate and almonds make up the core flavours of this cake and I do have to say it is one of my favouite fruit cakes to date. Best of […]

Summer Ham, Pesto and Penne Salad
Summer means salads. I always have two large salads made up in the fridge during Summer to allow for quick and easy side dishes during the week. In Summer we use our BBQ alot!!! It takes the heat out of the kitchen and it is also quick and easy to get dinners cooked while the […]

Delicious Ham and Cheese Cobb Loaf Dip
Entertaining season is knocking at our door and I am always looking for ways to make delicious and easy food to serve while we are watching the kids play in the pool and so on. You can’t go wrong with a cobb loaf dip served in a Kmart tray of course. This is a ham […]

Loaded Ham Potato Salad
I must admit I love a good potato salad to accompany my BBQ meat or smooched into a fresh bread roll with hot BBQ chicken it is pure comfort food. I made this super each loaded ham potato salad. I’ve called it loaded because you literally just load everything into the bowl and mix. I’ve […]