You don’t need to wait until you go to a cafe to have a club sandwich (because lets face it, we never get to go to a cafe long enough to enjoy a full lunch anyway) you can make one at home that is packed full of flavour thanks to D’Orsogna’s new Flame Roasted Sweet […]
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Homemade Club Sandwich

Raspberry Pikelets
Deliciously light and fluffy with the lovely tangy you get from fresh raspberries as you bite through to the centre. You can enjoy them as they are or spread a little butter on top. Great eaten warm or cold and the perfect addition to the lunchbox. INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 Cups Self Raising Flour 1/2 Tsp […]

Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini Loaf
This pas Sunday’s School Lunchbox Sunday baking led me to making this Chocolate, Banana and Zucchini loaf. I had half a zucchini that needed to be used up so I thought why not grate it up and add it in. The zucchini is untraceable in the loaf and adds to the moisture of the cake […]

Weet-Bix Bliss Balls
I haven’t added to my Bliss Ball recipe collection in sometime. After emptying our cereal collection into my new containers I had the crumbs of the Weet-Bix let in the packet. Instead of wasting them I went through my ingredients and came up with a simple yet tasty and nutritious bliss ball recipe. These are […]

Gluten Free Pesto and Ham Lunchbox Scrolls
I have had a lot of requests about gluten free scrolls so I decided it was time to make some. While my family isn’t gluten free, family and friends are and I like to be able to accommodate their dietary needs when they are over for a BBQ or birthday party. Gluten free dough can […]

Gluten Free Ham and Zucchini Muffins
Adding to my collection of Gluten Free recipes with these Ham and Zucchini Muffins. This is a simple one bowl hand mix recipe. Find more great Lunchbox recipes like this one in my new 2019 School Lunchbox Sunday Magazine Add to cart I am using my favourite D’Orsogna Sweet Honey Leg Ham which is gluten […]

Bacon, Cheese and Zucchini Bread
Bacon, Cheese and Zucchini Bread is a deliciously easy loaf to make. It is full of flavour and perfect to eat at Breakfast, pack in the school lunchbox, take on a picnic or cut into slices and freeze for a quick breakfast during the week. I have used D’Orsogna’s 100% Natural Bacon, it is created […]

Low Sugar Banana and Blueberry Bread
I have only used 1/4 Cup honey in this recipe as the added sweetness and then rest of the sweetness comes from the natural sugars in the banana and blueberries. I really love this variation to normal banana bread as it a little healthier. Less sugar makes it ideal for toddlers and for those trying […]

Hawaiian Turnovers
On the school holidays I like to get the kids in the kitchen. They get to learn some new skills and experience different foods that they haven’t been willing to try in the past. Mr 8 helped to make these Hawaiian Turnovers. Simply ham, cheese ( two types) and pineapple wrapped in puff pastry. Mr […]