To say that I am happy that it is soup season is an understatement. Soup is a family favourite and also a work lunch favourite. I love that you can get so many vegetables into one meal and no one really complains about eating it. I serve soup to the boys with toast soldiers or […]
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Curried Pumpkin and Bacon Soup

Four Ingredient Peanut Butter and Chickpea Cookies
Peanut butter and chickpea cookies, a crazy combination? Or the perfect harmony of the proteins? Either way these taste pretty good. They aren’t quite like your regular cookie though, they are dense in the middle so they are a little fudgy and you do need to keep them in the fridge or freezer. Crazy easy […]

Ham and Mixed Rice Casserole (gluten free) – budget friendly to feed a crowd
When you’ve got a crowd to feed and don’t want to spend a lot of money to do so this ham and mixed rice casserole is just what you need. When you think of a traditional casserole you think hours to cook and a heavy tomato based dish with a think sauce. This dish is […]

Butter Bean Cupcakes with Kale Chips
Guest Recipe by Jenny Wright from Hello Great Health Ok so this isn’t the most colourful dinner ever to hit the dinner table at our place but it was one of the easiest and fastest! Plus it was eaten without fuss or complaint. I know we are encouraged to ‘eat a rainbow’ of fresh produce but […]

Gluten Free Biscuits with only Four Ingredients
I have been experimenting with a couple of gluten free biscuits this past week and have made two great biscuits for you to enjoy. I have been enjoying them at work for morning tea and they have seemed to tie me over until lunch which is a bonus and they are also full of all […]

Last night was the first time I had cooked quinoa. I searched the web for tips on cooking it and I thought you might be interested in a few of the best tips I found. Place the quinoa into a metal sieve and rinse under running water rubbing the grain against the sieve to release […]

I recently decided it was time to try Quinoa. I didn’t really know what it was but had some concept that you could use it in place of rice. The benefit of Quinoa is that it contributes to our dietary needs far more than rice does. It is high in fibre, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium […]