Last night was the first time I had cooked quinoa. I searched the web for tips on cooking it and I thought you might be interested in a few of the best tips I found.
- Place the quinoa into a metal sieve and rinse under running water rubbing the grain against the sieve to release the outer shell which helps to reduce the bitterness.
- Cook in chicken or vegetable stock
- Cook the quinoa first in a little olive oil and garlic in the saucepan you will continue cooking in to help release the natural nutty flavour.
- Add garlic, salt and pepper to the stock to add to the flavour.
- Cook just like rice 1:2 ratio (1 Cup Quinoa: 2 Cups Water)
- Bring to the boil and then reduce to the lowest heat and cook covered for 15-20 minutes. Once all the liquid is absorbed turn the stove off and leave for 2-5 minutes. Fluff up with a fork.
These are just some quick tips to help you get started cooking Quinoa.
You can purchase Quinoa from the health food isle of your local supermarket or visit a dedicated health food store.
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