Butter Bean Cupcakes with Kale Chips

Guest Recipe by Jenny Wright from Hello Great Health

Ok so this isn’t the most colourful dinner ever to hit the dinner table at our place but it was one of the easiest and fastest! Plus it was eaten without fuss or complaint.

I know we are encouraged to ‘eat a rainbow’ of fresh produce but some days you just need quick, easy and this is that. This recipe includes the most important and nutrient-dense vegies – greens and lots of protein. In fact just a few ingredients and you have yourself a meal.

cupcakes and kale chips


4 eggs

1 can of butter beans

½ bunch kale (washed and leaves removed from the stem)

½ cup grated tasty cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius
  2. Crack eggs into the food processor and add the (washed and drained tin) butter beans. Blend.
  3. With half your kale – chop up finely and sprinkle into a greased muffin tin or baking cups.
  4. Pour egg mixture over the top and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Place cupcakes into the oven to start cooking.
  6. With the remaining kale – dry well and massage through some oil – grapeseed or coconut oil works well.
  7. Spread out kale chips over a lined baking tray.  Sprinkle with Herbamere, preferred spices or nutritional yeast (also called savoury yeast, it’s available in the health food/gluten free section in Coles).
  8. Add kale chips to oven.
  9. Cupcakes take about 10 minutes (or until baked through) and the kale chips are ready when crispy (about ten minutes).   I would turn the oven down to about 120c when you take the cupcakes out if the kale chips haven’t finished.

Makes 8


BIO: Jenny is a women’s health coach, wife and mum of two who lives in Brisbane, Australia. She supports women to achieve their health goals through her coaching program so they can live a healthier and happier life. She has just released her first ebook – The Brilliant Breakfast, which you can purchase for instant download on her website.

You can find her over at Hello Great Health .  After years of dieting and harmful eating she worked out how to ditch the guilt and harmful stuff and achieve a happier life through health and wellness. Now she wants to help you do the same – book in for a free health history consultation to learn more about how she can help you.

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