As a busy mum I am always putting myself last in the family. I make sure that the children are fed, bathed, have clean clothes, clean sheets, tidy rooms and that they have everything they need for school. I keep the house clean and tidy and the washing up to date but I always forget […]
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Simple Swaps at the Supermarket Equals Making Healthier Choices for my Family
For the past couple of weeks I have been introducing you to the Heath Star Rating and then showing you how you can use it to make healthier choices at the supermarket (hyperlink to week 2 post). I have also learned a little extra knowledge when it comes to making choices between different brands […]

How can I use the Health Star Rating to make Healthier Choices at the Supermarket?
Last week I shared with you all the need to know about the Health Star Rating. To be honest, before I was asked to share all there is to know about the Health Star Rating I wasn’t taking too much notice of them on my packaged goods. I knew about it and sometimes it would […]

Have you heard of the Health Star Rating?
Before I begin, I know that grocery shopping is such a chore, and when you start going up and down the aisle the amount of choice and difference in price of similar products etc can sometimes be all too much – you just want to get what you need (normally sticking to the same brands […]

8 Tips for buying reduced to clear meat
Do you start your grocery shop by looking for the reduced to clear items at the supermarket? If you are shopping at Woolworths you will train your eye to look for the orange sticker, at Aldi it is a red sticker and at Coles it is a quick sale sticker. You can save a considerable […]

What are your child’s favourite sandwiches?
What are your child’s favourite sandwiches? Let me know in the comments section below! I can answer this so easily because they have them everyday for school lunch – one likes Cheese and Vegemite, the other Ham and Cheese – that’s it, they would have peanut butter if they could but obviously most schools are […]

Leftover Challenge
This post is contributed by Mandy from Little People Nutrition. It ain’t fancy, trust me, but it is fun. Food waste is a huge issue in today’s world. Ugly stuff considering there are millions of people without food around the world and many families even here in Australia that go hungry. Yes, humble Aussies, without […]

Rice Food Safety, questions about freezing cooked rice.
I posted this photo on Facebook the other night and I was quite surprised by how many of you were concerned about food poisoning from rice. While I responded to most questions I couldn’t reply to everyone so I thought I would put it all here so we have a reference and everyone can feel […]

Summer is here and at our house, we love to lick
This post is contributed by Mandy from Little People Nutrition. Having a little bubba who idolises his two older sisters, means that I am having to up my game in the home making icy pole stakes as he loves to lick just as much as them and me. Of course no additives or artificial ingredients […]