Winner of $100 Kmart Pantry Makeover Reveal

A couple of weeks ago I was able to organise my Pantry thanks to Kmart – you can read the full post here.

I also had a $100 Kmart gift voucher to giveaway to one reader who had a pantry that was in desperate need of organising.

Here is the lucky readers BEFORE shot of her pantry:


Jodie-Anne told me in her email after she won that she was scared what was behind the deceiving front and was looking forward to Pantry Therapy – non Chocolate Version.

Here is a photo of everything that was crammed into that pantry:

Here unfortunately is everything that had to be thrown out:
And here are the AFTER SHOTS:

What Jodie-Anne had to say:
The difference is amazing. Very sad at the amount of waste I’ve let happen but hopefully with the new Systema container at the top of the pantry for open packs of biscuits and a new hidey hole (not in pic) for unopened packs, this should be rectified.
My absolute favourite items I picked up is the Corner 3 tier shelf system. Love love love. $7 each. I have another but am using that in my make up/hair space hehe The can holder is brilliant. Love it. And the baskets, why on earth had I never thought of that. Everything has a home and it’s very easy to pull them out and look through. I’m going to go get another three. So far I’ve used the baskets for Pasta, packet mixes, baking items and school snack packs. I’ve also included a pic of the ‘inbetween stage’ and the bag of rubbish/waste. Sooo sooo happy and thank you for giving me an incentive to finally do this.

If you are feeling inspired to organised your pantry Kmart has a great new range of pantry organising products starting at $3 each. Click here to visit their website.

I would also like to once again thank Kmart for helping me get my pantry into order as well. Its amazing how much difference it has really made when you are cooking and just using it daily.

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One Response to Winner of $100 Kmart Pantry Makeover Reveal

  1. Anne M September 12, 2013 at 8:40 am #

    What a transformation. Well done Jodie-Anne!

    Anne xx

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