Hands up if you are a Kmart fan? I’m putting two hands up. Kmart is ridiculously good for everything these days and their kitchen storage and gizmos don’t disappoint either. These are my top five items that I use in my kitchen that make life just a little bit easier. Note: this is NOT a […]
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Last week I over thought grocery shopping and well…..
Last Friday grocery shopping literally gave me the “shits” for lack of a better use of a word it is the only way I can describe how I was feeling when I got home. This year is the first time since having children that I have two days during the week where I am not […]

10 Tips To Save Money on Your Grocery Shop
Last week I asked on Facebook how much do you spend on groceries per week and what do you do to save money. I have condesed the over 150 responses to 10 tips to help you save money when do your grocery shop. This list is by no means conclusive and there are many more […]

Winner of $100 Kmart Pantry Makeover Reveal
A couple of weeks ago I was able to organise my Pantry thanks to Kmart – you can read the full post here. I also had a $100 Kmart gift voucher to giveaway to one reader who had a pantry that was in desperate need of organising. Here is the lucky readers BEFORE shot of […]

Organising Your Pantry with Kmart
When someone goes to open your pantry do you think “please don’t let that can fall on their head”, or do you have to give the person a detailed explanation of where something is like “on the third shelf behind that bottle of sauce you will see the packet of sugar”? I know my husband […]

The boys have both started to bring home artwork from Kindy in the last few weeks meaning the fridge was starting build up with their masterpieces. Having the clutter on the fridge started to get to me, they would fall off, the kids would pull them off and they would be layered on top of […]