Homemade Tinned Spaghetti

Homemade Canned Spaghetti Recipe

Having a can of spaghetti in the cupboard is convenient for when you want something quick and easy (I always have one or two as a back up) but they aren’t something you want to enjoy all the time.

I made this lovely sauce full of vegetables and natural flavours that when puréed and mixed with pasta tastes and looks nearly the same as the canned variety – EXCEPT YOU KNOW WHAT’S IN IT.

This pasta and sauce is something you won’t mind the kiddos enjoying every week. Perfect to serve as a side dish with meat or on its own for a snack. So here it is my version of homemade canned spaghetti.


1 Red Capsicum, deseeded and diced
4 Roma Tomatoes, diced
1 Onion, diced
2 Garlic Cloves, sliced finely
1 Tsp Raw Sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
3-4 Cups Cooked Shaped Pasta


1. In a medium sized saucepan place all the ingredients. Bring to the boil then place the lid on and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes or until everything is soft.
2. While the sauce is simmering cook your pasta and drain once cooked.
3. To make the sauce smooth you need to use a stick mixer to purée all the ingredients until smooth.
4. Pour over the cooked pasta and mix to combine.

Optional: add a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese for a cheesy alternative.

Great for leftovers: store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Freezer friendly: freeze in zip lock bags or air tight containers for up to 3 months.

Homemade Tinned Spaghetti

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4 Responses to Homemade Canned Spaghetti Recipe

  1. Jenny July 29, 2014 at 1:52 pm #

    Hi, This looks amazing! What is capsicum? I have never heard of it.

    • Amanda July 31, 2014 at 4:44 am #

      You may call capsicums “peppers” if you are in the uk or us?

  2. Rosie March 23, 2015 at 11:35 am #

    I just wanted to sprinkle a major dash of praise for your website and recipes, Amanda. Your recipes are down to earth, fuss-free and easy for busy mums such as myself. These days we are flooded with aspirational, faddish approaches to cooking – whereas your recipes are real and honest, yet still have that ‘something special’. I am the mother of a 2 year old boy who developed some very fussy eating habits at around the age of 1 during illness. It’s been a long process to get him to try new foods and to increase the level of variety in his diet. Since trying out a number of your recipes, his variety has increased 10-fold, and I am so much happier and more relaxed about what to prepare for him, knowing I can refer to your website for meal ideas. When’s the cookbook coming? Thanks for being so simple and real.
    Rosie x

    • Amanda March 23, 2015 at 7:39 pm #

      Rosie, you have made my day. I am beyond happy that my cooking has helped your family and validates why I love this page so much and sharing my recipes. A cookbook is on the list – just have to get more time to put one together. Thank you Amanda 🙂

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