Last week I switched up our normal mince beef tacos for slow cooker shredded beef tacos and now I don’t think my family will let me go back to using mince beef. The shredded taco beef is super easy to prepare and makes enough for two meals for a family of 4, which means you […]
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Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Tacos

Making Dump Bags for the Slow Cooker
In an attempt to make my Monday to Friday easier when it comes to dinner I have been making one or two dump bags on the weekend so that at least a couple of meals are prepared and ready to be “dumped” into the slow cooker before I leave for work. The reason I think […]

Slow Cooker Family Dinners
The cool change has definitely hit and it does have me a little worried as it seems to have hit a little earlier and a little chillier than it normally would on the Gold Coast. The cool change signals the start of slow cooker season. I did cook a few slow cooker dishes over Summer, […]

Slow Cooker Satay Beef
Even though the weather is still quite warm, I remind myself how much easier it is to plan a slow cooker meal once a week especially on a work night when we are home later, all a littler hungrier. This slow cooker satay beef is thick and delicious and was enjoyed by the whole family. […]

Slow Cooker Beef and Red Lentil Stew – Dump Bag
I really love it when a brand listens to us as parents and brings us new more natural products where you can actually understand what the ingredients are on the packet. Continental have done just that! They have created a brand new range called Naturally Tasty which is full of natural ingredients such as herbs, […]

Slow Cooker Oyster Blade Steak and Vegetable Stew
In an attempt to balance work and coming home late after school pick ups I am vowing to cook one slow cooker meal a week. I am hoping this will help combat the I AM STARVING comment from the boys every afternoon as we get home close to normal dinner time. This week is the […]

Slow Cooker Chorizo Minestrone Soup
This chorizo minestrone soup is so full of flavour you’ll be coming back for seconds. I have used D’Orsogna Mild Spanish Chorizo Salami to add a bucket load of flavour to what is normally a rather plain soup. As the chorizo cooks it unleashes all of its full flavour into the soup making for one […]

Slow Cooker Potato and Leek Soup
On the Gold Coast we have had our first taste of cooler mornings and evenings which means it’s time to start enjoying warm filling meals. My slow cooker is gracing my bench again for the season and first up is this Potato and Leek Soup. If you love your potatoes then you are going to […]

Rich Tomato and Beef Stew
The cooler weather is here and the sunlight hours are shorter which means by the time I pick the boys up from after school care and get home from work it is already starting to get dark and I have two hungry boys on my hands. I have started to use my slow cooker again […]