Trash Pack and Green Theme 5th Birthday Party

Last weekend we celebrated our eldest son’s 5th Birthday. He had chosen a Trash Pack theme and while that was all well and good, I had to add the Green Theme element to make all work. Luckily there were heaps of green decorating options and I got lots of ideas from Pinterest.

While it is lovely to celebrate our children’s birthday’s at home with friends from kindy and family, it sure is a lot of work. I wouldn’t say the actual food side of things was a lot of work, it was more the organising, decorating, fitting in a swimming lesson 2 hours before the party was to start (never-will-i-do-that-again) and just the general making sure we were all good to go.

I felt a little like the contestants on The Block when they have minutes to go, I was literally taking food from the fridge and dropping it on the table, directing my helpers to do this and that and then I looked at the clock and we had 4 minutes before the guests were meant to arrive to take a breath and I was able to grab a few snap shots. I failed miserably in getting any photos of the cake and mid celebration. At the end of the day the only thing that really mattered was that Mr 5 was happy and enjoyed seeing his friends at his home and playing together.

Here are a few snap shots of the food table with a brief description of what it all is. If you have any questions leave me a comment and I will hopefully be able to answer it for you.

Carrot and Celery with Hommus

Cups with carrot and celery hommus. As you can guess these weren’t a hit with all the other food options, but I wanted to provide a balanced party menu.

Jelly Cups, Cobb Dip, Biscuits

Jelly Cups – made with lower sugar jelly and snakes added. Spinach Cobb Dip for the parents and biscuits and lollies.

Gluten Free Options

Gluten Free Options included – prepacked popcorn, rice crackers, snake lollies from the health food isle and pizza scrolls that I made from gluten free pizza dough, sauce, cheese and ham. All packets were marked gluten free and I placed them all together with a little tag.

Fruit Sticks , Jelly Cups, Gluten Free Choices, Containers of prepacked air popped chips

Fruit , Jelly Cups, Gluten Free Choices, Containers of prepacked air popped chips

Fruit Sticks, Biscuits, Lollies, Cobb Dip

Fruit Sticks, Biscuits, Lollies, Cobb Dip – Surprisingly the lollies weren’t really touched – may of had something to do with where they were on the table.

Kids Party Punch Using SodaStream

SodaStream all natural colours, flavours low in sugar and no preservatives drink with frozen fruit as the ice. The dispenser of drink was a great idea. Everyone could help themselves. I also had a dispenser of water.

Long shot of food table

Food laid out. Green hanging decoration is from Kmart $1 each. Stripped plastic tablecoth also from Kmart.

Party table

I hired 2 tables and 10 chairs. Covered with a green plastic table cloth and copped with laminated Trash Pack posters available from there website.
Strung balloons and streams were over the table and were meant to symbolise slime.

Birthday Boy

The Birthday Boy

The Cake was a simple rectangle cake iced and an eatable Trash Pack Print that I ordered from ebay placed on top.


Plates, Cupes, Straws, Table Cloths, Knives, Forks Spoons, String Flags, Green Pom Pom things, Streamers – Kmart

Balloons, dot plates, dot containers – Stacks

Three tier stand – Aldi

Drink Dispenser – Masters

Trash Pack Website:

Games Played:

Pass the Parcel

Toss the rubbish into the garbage can

Trash Pack Garbage Can Hunt

Plus available to do as they pleased – trash pack colouring pages, make trashies from play dough, play with Trash Pack toys.

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