Tag Archives | Meal Plan

Meal Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday #1

This year I am bringing back meal plan Monday.  After asking on Instagram about meal planning, I sensed that a lot of you would like to do it, but it can all seem a bit daunting or your don’t know where to start. For me, it needed to become a habit.  I needed to do […]

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Weekly Meal PLan #7

Here is another account of how our week flowed at CFBM HQ.  This is my meal plan from the previous week.  I like to post it to show the meals we enjoy on a regular basis and also show you that things don’t always go to plan (like this week).  If I have had a […]

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Weekly Meal Plan #6

Welcome to another plan of what we ate last week for dinner meals.  I hope you have been finding the meals plan useful when planning your meals for the week. It was a Public Holiday on the Monday so some slow roasting on the Weber Q was in order and had enough roast lamb to […]

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Meal Plan 5

Weekly Meal Plan #5

This week has a bit of seafood theme.  We are lucky enough to live a short drive to the local trawlers where we regularly buy fresh squid to make our calamari.  This week we bought some fresh local caught prawns as well as squid, enough to freeze and cook with for the week.  Both boys […]

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Weekly Meal Plan #4

This week has been a pretty standard cooking week here.  After a few weeks of organising something other then our normal weekly meals, it was great to have a little breather. Even though it was Mr 5’s birthday on Monday and mine on Tuesday, we had done most of the celebrating on the weekend so […]

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Weekly Meal Plan 3

Weekly Meal Plan #3

Another week has rolled over and it’s been another busy one here. We celebrated my sons 5th birthday which you may have seen snippets of on Instagram and Pinterest where I set up a Trashies Party Board for my Trash Pack crazy little guy.  I’ll share more party details next week. Here’s what we ate […]

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Cooking For Busy Mums Meal Plan

Weekly Meal Plan #2

This week was a bit different to a normal week.  I had a massive photo shoot on Monday to prepare for a new Entertaining ebook that will be released in November for Christmas and New Year, sponsored by D’Orsogna.  Without my lovely sponsors it wouldn’t be possible to bring you some of the great new […]

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Weekly Meal Plan

Weekly Meal Plan #1

I thought it would be handy if I share each week (if time permits) what we ate for our dinner meals in the previous week.  You can use this to give you some ideas for your weekly meals.  It would also be great if you could take a couple of minutes and share in the […]

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