Roasted Chicken Marylands with Roast Vegetable and Chorizo Cous Cous

I was looking to make the humble roast chicken and vegetable dinner a bit more exciting a few weeks back and that is how I stumbled onto the dish.

We love our Weber Q and while this meal was 90% cooked in the Weber Q (couscous made in a bowl) it can easily be converted to the oven, which is how I will share the recipe.

I love this meal as it is full of flavour, requires minimal time standing over the dish while it cooks (pop it in the oven and come back in an hour) and that it’s great for leftovers. The whole family loved it


4 Chicken Marylands
6 Cups of vegetables chopped into cubes.  I used zucchini, pumpkin, onion, capsicum, cherry tomatoes and garlic
1 Cup Sliced Chorizo
1 Cup Wholemeal Dry Couscous or Pearl Couscous
Approx 500ml Hot Chicken Stock (you need enough to cover the dry couscous)
Salt and Pepper
Olive Oil


1. On a lined baking tray place the chicken marylands. Rub some olive oil into the skin and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. In a lined baking dish place all the chopped vegetables, chorizo and drizzle with a little olive oil and some salt and pepper.

3. Place both into a hot 200 degree celcius oven and cook for 30 minutes to give the chicken skin and vegetables some colour. Turn down to 180 degree celcius for the remaining 15 – 30 minutes where you are cooking until the vegetables are soft and the chicken is firm to touch.
4. While the vegetables and chicken are cooking, heat your chicken stock and pour over the dry couscous in a bowl. Cover with cling wrap and allow to sit for 15 minutes. After this time give the couscous a fluff up with a fork and check that it is soft to eat. If using Pearl Couscous you will need to cook on the stove by brining the stock and couscous to the boil, reduce heat to very low place lid on and leave for 15 minutes.
5. Once the chicken and vegetables are cooked, remove from the oven. Pour the cooked couscous into the vegetable dish and gently mix through to distribute evenly.

Serve and enjoy.

Serves 4-6

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