Chinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry

Chinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry

Mid week dinners need to be quick, easy, tasty and nutritionally balanced and this one has quickly become a family favourite.

Chinese pork and ramen noodle stir fry its put together using three main ingredients and steps. With minimal prep and fussy cooking steps you can even have the teenager or husband cooking this meal.

Note: you will find this Pork at Woolworths #notsponsored

Chinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry


1 Butterflied Pork – Chinese Spice Glaze
1 Packet Ramen Noodles
1 Packet Frozen Stir Fry Vegetables
2 Tbs Sesame Oil
1/4 Cup Oyster Sauce
1/4 Cup BBQ Sauce
3 Tbs Soy Sauce
1/2 Cup Water (reserved from the ramen noodles)


  1. Place a large non-stick fry pan over a high heat.  Add 1 tbs sesame oil.  Once heated place the butterflied pork into the fry pan.  Make sure you open up the pork as it is folded over.  Cook for 5 minutes and then turn and cook for a further 5 minutes.  It will start to blacked on the outside.  Remove from the fry pan and place on a chopping board.  Slice the pork into 5mm strips and then return to the fry pan with the remaining sesame oil.
  2. Cook the pork strips for about 10 minutes or until the pork is just nearly cooked.  Move the pork to the outside of the fry pan and place the frozen vegetables in the middle.  Reduce to a medium high heat and allow the vegetables to defrost and cook.
  3. While the pork and vegetables are cooking bring a saucepan of water to the boil and then add the ramen noodles to cook for 3-5 minutes.  Drain the water reserving 1/2 cup.  Run the noodles under a little cold water to help stop them cooking and sticking together.
  4. Add the sauce and water to the pork and vegetables and stir through.  At this point everything should be cooked.

Serve and enjoy.

Serves 4-6

Chinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry Chinese Pork and Ramen Noodle Stir Fry

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