When someone asks what to do with excess bananas (and aren’t we lucky now that they are the price they are, looking back 3 years ago we would of eaten them all before getting to the point of having excess) a common response is to freeze them.

They can then be used in cakes, smoothies and also frozen bananas make the most delicious ice cream with only one ingredient. For this recipe I have added my homemade strawberry jam to add some colour and extra flavour.


Frozen bananas, I think I found about 16 bananas in my freezer.
Optional: Homemade strawberry jam or strawberry topping etc.

1. Let the bananas soften a little and chop into small pieces.
2. Place in a large food processor bowl and process until the banana resemble crumbs.
3. Add about a cup of homemade strawberry jam or topping and process for a further 2 minutes or until the mixture becomes creamy and resembles ice cream.

Serve and enjoy immediately.

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