Neat 2 Eat Egg Mold Product Review

Mr 2 was eating eggs up until about 6 months ago when he started to get super fussy with all his food.  This is the first time I have tried a whole egg on him in a while and let’s just say these egg molds from Neat 2 Eat were a big Hit.
  1. Boil a 600/700gm egg as per normal
  2. Peel the egg while still hot (I do it under running water)
  3. Place the egg into the open egg mold
  4. Close the mold until it clicks shut
  5. Place in cold water back in the saucepan you boiled the egg in for about 10 minutes (I boiled the egg before our bath and left in the cold water until we finished)
  6. Open the mold and voila – a cute shaped egg.
Mr 2 loved the shaped egg and ate it all up with no fuss -yay.
It was fun for me too lol – older kids would love being able to do this themselves as well (the placing the egg in and out of the mold part).
The mold is easy to wash and takes up no space in your kitchen draws.
They come in sets of 2 – Bear and rabbit – star and heart – car and fish – they are $7.95 for the set of 2 plus postage.
Step 1: Place the egg into the open egg mold
Step 2:Close the mold until it clicks shut
Step 3:Place in cold water back in the saucepan you boiled the egg in for about 10 minutes (I boiled the egg before our bath and left in the cold water until we finished)
Step 4: Open the mold and voila – a cute shaped egg.
Mr 2 excited about his egg
I used the side that sticks out and cut a piece of bread – worked well not sure if it is meant to be used for this.
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