When I cook a roast I usually buy one that is larger then my families needs for one meal. For us a family of four ( 2 adults and 2 children under 4) a 3kg Roast Pork will easily stretch to make three meals. The roast I bought cost $4.99 kg so it was just over $15 for the whole roast. We were able to get 3 meals from it which brings the meat cost of those meals to $5.
If you tend to not have any leftover roast meat then consider buying a larger piece of meat to roast? The little longer cooking time will pay off when you can several meals from it for the week and cut down on meal time cooking and prep.
Here is a list of ideas to turn your leftover roast meats into more meals. These could work for pork, beef, lamb or chicken
First night – Roast Meal with the works
Suggested meals for the followings dinners and lunches
– Lunch the next day as a roast meat and gravy Sandwhich.
– Pork Fried Rice simply add chopped up roast pork to your normal fried rice.
– Stir Fry instead of doing the cooking the meat step when making stir fry add the meat at the end to heat up and soak up the sauce.
– Pizza use the cooked meat in your pizza toppings
– Curry, again skip the meat cooking step and add the cooked meat in at the end to heat through and soak up the sauce.
– Soup use the meat in an Asian inspired clear broth soup with vegetables and noodles
– Wraps/Kebabs – pull the meat apart and use with your favourite fillings
– Pie with vegetables – as per miss the cooking part of the meat in your favourite pie filling.
These are just a few ideas that from what I have done with leftover roast meats, I would love hear what yours are?
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Make a Sheppard Pie with left over lamb or beef
Garlic Pita pockets filled with roast meat, lettuce , grated carrot, red onion rings, avocado,tomato & aioli.Or anything else that takes your fancy. Always yummy for lunch the next day
My kids prefer pasties to pies so I make up a couple of big pasties. Cut up the left over meat and any veg I have into small chunks, reheat in a pan with BBQ sauce or whatever I have handy. I always have frozen puff pastry in the freezer. I put the meat and veg mix on half of a sheet of pastry and fold the top down to make a rectangular pasty slice which I cookoff in the oven. Kids devour it so I usually make 3 to have left overs for the next day’s work lunch for hubby.