Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

This is a little clever way to make the humble ham and cheese sandwich into a meal that you could eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  It may look a little similar to bread and butter pudding, except this is a savoury version.  All your food groups are covered in this one dish with ham and eggs for protein, cream and cheese for dairy, sour dough for carbohydrates and peas cover the vegetable intake.

With five minutes of prep and 25 minutes in the oven you will have this dish on table in 30 minutes.  It is even easy enough for the younger members (6+) of the family to make.  So if you have someone that loves ham and cheese sandwiches you need to introduce them to this bake.  It is amazing!

I am using the ever versatile D’Orsogna Family Value Pack Shaved Leg Ham that is only $5 from Woolworths.  The ham slices are perfect for this dish as they are for normal sandwiches they fit perfectly on the bread.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake


6 Slices Sourdough Bread – you will find this in the bakery section of the supermarket for about $4 for a cobb loaf

6 Slices D’Orsogna Shaved Leg Ham

6 Slices Tasty Cheese

5 Extra Large Eggs

1/4 Cup Pouring Cream

1/2 Cup Frozen Peas

Salt and pepper



1. Rub the inside of a square shallow baking dish with butter to avoid the bake sticking.

2. Begin to make ham and cheese sandwiches by placing a slice of ham and a slice of cheese on each slice of bread.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

3. Lay in the dish as shown.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

4. Whisk together the eggs, milk and salt and pepper.  Pour over the ham and cheese sandwiches.  Sprinkle on the frozen peas.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

5. Place into a preheated 200 degree celcius oven and bake for 25 minutes or until the egg mix is set.

Slice into portions to serve.

Serves 6

If it is all not eaten when made, cover with cling wrap and store in the fridge for up to 3 days.  Reheat in the microwave or oven before eating.

Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

This is a sponsored post for D’Orsogna. Find more recipes like this one visit the D’Orsogna Website and D’Orsogna Facebook Page.

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2 Responses to Ham and Cheese Sandwich Bake

  1. Vicki November 20, 2015 at 8:53 pm #

    Do you use pouring cream or milk? This would also be great with sliced tomatoes added ! 🙂

    • Amanda November 21, 2015 at 11:03 am #

      Yes pouring cream and adding tomato sounds delicious.

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