My banana bread baking has been a little obsessive of late. I may of baked a couple of loaves every weekend for the pass month (oops), but everyone loves it and there are so many variations that you can make. This weekend I made White Chocolate Banana Bread with Chia Seeds and Almonds. I did […]
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White Chocolate Banana Bread with Chia Seeds and Almonds

Raspberry and Coconut Banana Bread
Last week we went a way for a few days and came back with a bunch of bananas that weren’t eaten, they were conveniently overripe and perfect for making banana bread. I made a batch of my cafe style banana bread but turned it into muffins with added chocolate chips, I also made the Low […]

Chocolate and Banana Bread
I cannot believe that this recipe is not already here on the blog as I have made it many a time but never took any photos. So I am rectifying this and sharing this super delicious recipe with you. We love banana bread but what is better than banana bread? Chocolate Banana Bread of course […]

Caramel Banana Bread
Just when I thought I had made all the types of banana bread you could make I had an idea to make a Caramel Banana Bread and I am glad I did. The addition of the caramel sauce and fresh sliced bananas gives this bread suck a kick of flavour and texture. I chose to […]

Cafe Style Banana Bread
I finally had two overripe bananas in the fruit bowl this week, for the past couple of weeks the kids had been demolishing them and I had been craving banana bread – this week I was finally able to make banana bread. While I have many banana bread combinations here to choose from, I decided […]

Wet ingredients: 2tbs softened butter2 overripe bananas mashed1 cup sour cream1/2 cup raw sugar Mix to combine Dry ingredients: 2 cups plain flour3/4 tsp salt1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda1/2 tsp baking powder3/4 tsp cinnamon Add to wet ingredients mix to combinePlace in a lined loaf baking dish.Cook in a pre-heated 160 degree oven for 50 mins […]

Low Sugar Banana and Blueberry Bread
I have only used 1/4 Cup honey in this recipe as the added sweetness and then rest of the sweetness comes from the natural sugars in the banana and blueberries. I really love this variation to normal banana bread as it a little healthier. Less sugar makes it ideal for toddlers and for those trying […]

Breadcrumb Banana Cake
I love getting creative with what I have on hand and I also love minimising food waste which means I sometimes throw weird combinations together and cross my fingers and hope for the best. Sometimes they are a complete disaster other times they work and I get a little excited about what I have created. […]

Banana and Strawberry Bread
Strawberries are finally coming back in season which means the prices are starting to drop. I refuse to buy strawberries when they are $5 for a 250gm punnet, it seems like such a ridiculous price to pay and they are usually overripe and mushy because no one else is buying them either. I actually hate […]